Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wherein the violation of Taco Friday is discussed, or, we said we'd never speak of that again.

am: guess what?!?! It's taco Tuesday!
ah: no! Just because we did that one time doesn't mean it's a thing now.
mm: yeah, you said you'd never speak of it again
am: but it really is! We have a lunch meeting with our new team member.
ah: oh, yeah. I forgot about that. We're really missing with our Taco Friday schedule.

Wherein Charter gets its due, or, "slow tech" doesn't have the same appeal as "slow food"

Scene: hippie coffee shop, studying for industry exam

am: Oh my GOD! This wi-fi is so fucking slow! I can't get anything on here. WTF?
ah: it's probably fair trade wi-fi